December and January Films and Ponies
Hello there folks. Like every year around this time, we dedicate either the month of December or January to one studio. With one particular story line coming to a close this year, we thought it a good idea to go with a solid Marvelmass. And before you ask how many movies we had to prune to fit December: We will use both months. That way we can go through all relevant movies in one fell swoop.
Movie Night will be at its usual time: 7:00 EDT (1:00 AM CET) on Friday, and 2:00 PM EDT (20:00 CET) on Saturday. The films and episodes these 2 months are:
December 6-7
- Captain America: The First Avenger
- Captain Marvel
- MLP FiM 1x11 - Winter Wrap Up
- MLP FiM 1x12 - Call of the Cutie
December 13-14
December 20-21
- The Avengers
- Captain America: Winter Soldier
- MLP FiM 1x15 - Feeling Pinkie Keen
- MLP FiM 1x16 - Sonic Rainboom
December 27-28
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Avengers: Age of Ultron
- MLP FiM 1x17 - Stare Master
- MLP FiM 1x18 - The Show Stoppers
January 3-4
- Ant-Man
- Captain America: Civil War
- MLP FiM 1x19 - A Dog and Pony Show
- MLP FiM 1x20 - Green Isn't Your Color
January 10-11
- Spider-Man: Homecoming
- Doctor Strange
- MLP FiM 1x21 - Over a Barrel
- MLP FiM 1x22 - A Bird in the Hoof
January 17-18
- Black Panther
- Thor: Ragnarok
- MLP FiM 1x23 - The Cutie Mark Chronicles
- MLP FiM 1x24 - Owl's Well That Ends Well
January 24-25
- Avengers: Infinity War
- Ant-Man and The Wasp
- MLP FiM 1x25 - Party of One
- MLP FiM 1x26 - The Best Night Ever
January 31-February 1