

Voting for July's Movies

Hello, everyone! We've looked through your suggestions and we're ready for your votes!

Voting for this month's films is HERE! This month's theme is "RESISTANCE". We're looking to put up a good fight against The Man, and we're not gonna let him keep us down! So we're looking for any films which feature a small band of fighters facing off against tyranny, oppression, or maybe just trying to stay alive. And it doesn't have to be war-related! Just remember that you can't trust the system.

This poll will be closed on July 12th, so be sure to vote before then!

As for this week (July 5-6), we have the following planned for you:

Brony Movie Night will be at its usual time: 7:00 EDT on Friday, and 2:00 PM EDT on Saturday. All of the films for next month will be announced in our next news post. Hope to see you then! And don't forget: Season 9 is starting up on April 6th! We will be airing the episode live as we usually do, so be sure to tune in for that!