Brony Movie Night 22/23th of July
Hello! Time for this weeks lottery post. This week we shall all learn the importance of red staplers in the great Office Space as well as realizing how to win the game in Wargames (Hint: You just lost it if you read this)
For the pony episodes we shall be seeing a new side of AJs huggable red sibling in Brotherhooves Social as well as seeing Discord at his prime in Three's a Crowd.
Lottery for this weekend is right here! Brony Movie Night will begin at 7:00 PM EDT Friday and for Euro-reprise at 2:00 EDT Friday, and we will draw the lottery winners on Saturday, between movies.
Here's our lineup for this week's movie nights
- Office Space chosen by GJDS-7
- Wargames chosen by Notgith
- Brotherhooves Social chosen by Stonegaze
- Three's a Crowd by Teddy